A great deal of time, money and personal effort goes into marketing every property we have on our website. Our bedrock is customer service! We provide continuous support throughout the buying and selling process. SATP brokers and agents are leaders in their territories and represent their clients’ properties with trust, integrity and a deep knowledge of land values.
Superior Customer Service
Our clients are the most important part of our business!
Integrity and Honesty
We employ the highest ethical standards, delivering on our mission with honesty and fairness.
Quality Products and Services
Sports Afield magazine has been in homes for over 135 years. Our trusted brand is respected and knowledgeable about EVERYTHING outdoors. Our agents communicate proactively, they are empathetic, they guide and serve putting their client’s needs first.
Respect for Individuals
We believe “if you show respect, you get respect”. We love what we do and we bring this mindset, each day, to our clients.
Excellence in Performance
We continue to learn and expand our expertise to serve our clients. Our commitment to excellence means we give every client the ability to evaluate the performance of our brokers, and agents after the closing of a property. All SATP agents regularly receive EXCELLENT scores on every level of performance! That’s excellence you can trust!
Having clear company values helps ensure the strength of our business! SATP brokers and agents adhere to a strong set of “Core Values” that assures deeply engrained principles that guarantee our clients have the best of the best providing superior customer service at all times.